On Saturday morning, we headed over to Brance and Fi's old apartment to help them move. Half the stuff is headed to San Jose, where they will be living, and half is headed to Brance's mother's house in Hanford, CA for storage. Check out the cute movers above! Need a hand, boys?
Brance organizing the new and improved large truck. The first truck they rented was only 10' long, not large enough for all their stuff. So Brance and I went back to Budget and rented a 15 footer.
Fides looking cute as a button, as usual. Even in her scrubs!
We stopped for a bathroom break and a hot dog somewhere off Route 5. Fi and I rode in their Prius, listening to sermons about marriage on CD. Francis and Brance drove the truck, and probably made stupid jokes the whole way.
Hanford is kinda hick, but they do have a Super Walmart, so Fi took me shopping after dinner. She pretended to buy a few makeup brushes for herself, but ended up surprising me with them as a gift. She showed me how to apply eye mayeup and blush when we returned to Brance's mom's house.
When Fi and I returned from the store, Francis was engrossed in a game of chess with Keith, Brance's mom's friend. Francis ended up triumphing, but he said it was a very hard fought battle. After the chess game, we all settled in to watch the movie "Amazing Grace".
Well...we know who to call when we're ready to move!
Hear that Roger? I crushed him...
Let it be known... let it be known...
It is definitely known...........
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