Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Dinner with the 20s Community Group 2010

Community groups come and go. But every now and then, you strike gold as a leader and get a bunch of awesome, God-fearing people who genuinely pursue their faith with soft and humble hearts. These girls are my special blessing this year.

We had dinner at Macaroni Grill.

And talked for two hours!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 can be summed up in three words: fabulous FOOD, close FRIENDS, and one adorable DOG! Thanks for the invite, Jen. You truly are like family to us.

Alicia making her first roux.

Francis bringing the drama to green bean snapping.

Succulent, mouth-watering turkey! It really was moist and delectable.

My first trip to the buffet.

Francis and I fell in love with Jen's mom's dog Riley (appropriately named after the famous basketball coach Pat). I couldn't believe Riley was a rescue dog from a shelter. He had been found roaming in a tomato field all alone, probably the casualty of a foreclosure. Riley is so well-behaved and sweet! His fur is silky smooth too.

I don't have any pictures to prove it, but four of us played an epic game of Monopoly at the end of the evening. 4.5 hours of down and dirty business dealing. Francis won, of course.