Thanks to a hookup from our good friend Danielle, we moved into this great little cottage in the Burlingame/Hillsborough area on January 31. Danielle called us toward the end of December and said she was moving out of her cottage and wondered if we might be interested in replacing her. Her landlords trusted her good taste in friends (of course) and were happy to welcome anyone she recommended. We have been so blessed by this move, I cannot express it strongly enough. God has clearly made a provision for us to have a safe home that is closer to San Francisco and the flower shop, while still being within our price range.
Our cottage is situated behind the main house, owned by a sweet couple, Bob and Jane. They are so accommodating and down-to-earth. They own a black Persian cat and a little brown doggie that loyally follows her owner around as he tinkers in his beautiful gardens. Bob is out there in the garden most every day, rain or shine.
Close parking spot!
Cute little entrance and window boxes filled with geraniums.
Stone path behind our bedroom windows leads down to a babbling brook. (I swear, I am not making this up! It is literally that idyllic.)
Stream is bursting thanks to our recent heavy rain.
Seating area to the side, with a heat lamp.
Dolce modeling our living room. The fireplace and mantle are a homey touch.
As usual, our living room doubles as an office for both me and Francis.
The cottage came with this awesome TV stand, which has lots of storage for my business supplies and records underneath.
Limited space means the entry hallway doubles as a ladies room for Dolce. This shot taken from the living room. Front door to the right, bedroom to the left, and the kitchen is at the end of the hall.
Miniature fridge means we have to be more careful when we go food shopping, but it has worked out so far. Still plenty of room for magnets and photos.
A VERY small kitchen, but that's ok. No worse than our last apartment. There is actually quite a bit of cabinet storage too.
Our bedroom has a ceiling fan. Not much sunlight enters this room, which is great for naps. You can hear the stream out back as you lay in bed, like one of those relaxation CD's.
The blue carpet in our bedroom totally reminds me of the old Turner house in Roslyn.
Door to our closet.
The walk-in closet is small, but there is enough space for both of us.
Ok, the bathroom has one very weird quirk. Behind the shower is a giant picture window! I am guessing it was designed that way to let in lots of natural light. It's awesome to have a tub after four years of a stall shower. The blue tiles stay very cold, so when the hot air touches them while taking a hot shower, it creates major steam and condensation on the tiles. None of these things matter compared to the joy of a hot shower. Our old apartment would only have lukewarm water throughout the winter time. Hot showers = pure bliss!
That's all for now. Hope you've enjoyed the tour of our new home. :)