My old friend from high school, Andrew "Gerb" Gerber, came to visit this weekend. We used to travel in the same circles during junior year. He was in Vancouver for a family reunion. After the reunion, he made his way down to Oregon to see my old locker neighbor Kelly Hardcastle, the girl who broke the news of Kurt Cobain's death to me when we were 13 years old. After spending some time with Kelly, he rented a Harley Davidson and drove down to the Bay to hang out with me. I took him to some of my favorite SF haunts and some new places I'd never been to, including lunch in Chinatown, a walk across the Golden Gate Bridge, a drive past the monolithic Castro flag, and the view from the top of Twin Peaks. Andrew is currently working for the Obama campaign, so we had some lively discussions that day. After touring the city, we hung out with my friends and had game night. Always a good sport, he chatted with strangers, played Apples to Apples and charades, and generally made himself at home. The next morning, Francis and I took him to the San Jose Amtrak station, where he boarded a train to Fresno and headed off for a few days of hiking and climbing in Yosemite. Keep up the great work, Andrew! Go Obama!
Inside joke for Lisa Healy: "That seat reclines." Hahaha.